From LIFE's Falls
From life's hard blows
When life deals you a difficult card
Or throws you an unexpected blow
We hope to help with a cushioned spongy landing
Like the comfort of a giant marshmallow
The Marshmallow Effect
Softening the Blow with a Cushioned Landing
Our objective is to help those who have had difficult experiences and hard times, hence the title “Marshmallow” which we feel is the ultimate comfort when life throws us a curve ball or hard knock, a soft landing in a giant-size marshmallow would surely cushion the blow?
Our hope is to offer aid to both local and international charities, and individuals.
Fundraising & Donations
Through a combination of fundraising and private donations we aim to build up a pot of money which we will distribute to worthy causes. As this charity is in its early stages, we would anticipate the fund to be small however as it grows and we can invest the money wisely, we would anticipate more generous donations to be distributed in the future.
Our charity consists of a Founder Member and Board of Trustees. All members in the charity are volunteers and not paid.
What we
Thank you for supporting the Marshmallow Foundation. Thanks to your donations and our team of volunteers, we will be able to support vulnerable and distressed people at their weakest time.
There are lots of different ways you can support our work to enable the legacy of the Marshmallow Foundation to thrive and continue to make contributions to those in need.
The Marshmallow Foundation used for online fundraising. You can make a one-off donation or sign up for regular monthly donations, and this includes Direct Debit set up. If you are a UK taxpayer then please tick the Gift Aid option to maximise your donation by allowing us to reclaim the income tax paid on your donation.
Bank Transfer
If you would like to donate via bank transfer, our account details are as follows:
Danske Bank
PO Box 183, Donegall Square West
Account Name: The Marshmallow Foundation
Account Number: 9027 9528
Sort Code: 95-06-79
Remember in your will
When you leave a gift in your Will to the Marshmallow Foundation, you help ensure that we can continue to be here for each and every one of our beneficiaries.
To find out more, contact Make a Will for Good.